Distinguished Conduct Medal: Honoring Exceptional Bravery

John with wife Elizabeth (Elsie) and children at their home in Douglas Street in 1914

The Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) was the second-highest military decoration for bravery awarded to British and Commonwealth soldiers, second only to the Victoria Cross. It recognized acts of exceptional courage performed by those below the rank of Warrant Officer.


Lance Corporal John MacDonnell was the first man from Nairn to be awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal during the First World War.

The communication trench, known as ‘Hulluch Alley’ at Vermelles, which was too shallow and narrow to allow ease of movement and cover. The trench was quite unsuitable for defence and required constant labour from every available man to strengthen the position generally as the enemy kept on bombing it. The trench was also the scene of many rifle fights and hand-to-hand combat. 

The Germans, who were better supplied with bombs, made frequent attempts to retake their old line but were driven back each time by the skill and pluck of the Cameron bombers who were aided by rifle fire from their comrades.

The Nairnshire Roll of Honour describes:

“On 27th September 1915 Lance Corporal MacDonell and his bombing party had been temporarily withdrawn from their block in the communication trench near point 39. The bombardment suddenly ceasing because of their withdrawal saw the Germans move forward and capture the block.Lance Corporal MacDonell at once led a determined attack, drove the Germans back, recaptured a supply of their own bombs and, using these, pursued the enemy back beyond their own block, killing several of them. His bravery and powers of leadership were most conspicuous throughout the operation.”

Granddaughters Mrs Anne Payne from Bromley, and Mrs Ruth Gledhill from Scarborough had visited Nairn Museum in the Summer of 2001 to trace their family tree. Alongside Cawdor Heritage Group, we were able to help them with their queries. Having been impressed by the museum they decided on return to England that the best place for his medals should be in his home town.

The medals, and the story of Lance Corporal John MacDonnell have been on display ever since.


The First World War Medals of Lance Corporal John MacDonnell

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